Here we are, sitting once again on Mowzer watching the sun dip to the west and I am left thinking how surreal the last couple of weeks have been.
At the end of May we arrived in Antigua and put Mowzer on the dock for a two week return to family and friends in Canada. The trip home was absolutely fabulous and included seeing Jim get his hard worked for degree in Chemical Physics from Waterloo. We packed in time with Caitlin, Jamie and Henry's mother in Toronto, stayed with Peter & Beth in Ottawa where we visited my mother, Jim and many friends. We even got in a couple of rounds of golf and ate out more than I could have imagined. A quick trip to Waterloo for Jim's graduation and the two weeks came to a finale with Caitlin & Jamie once again in Toronto. Whirlwind doesn't even seem to start to describe it, but it was so wonderful to see everyone and to have such a good visit. Other than all the personal connections, the one other joy was walking down the sidewalk and running errands without a constant sheen of sweat, although the 10 degrees Celsius we were greeted with was a bit extreme - brrrrrrr.
Our flight back was uneventful but interesting with various views:
We left Toronto flying right over downtown and a view of the CN Tower and the Air Canada Centre. |
Now in the Caribbean with the islands laid out below us - first up Anguilla. |
We passed St. Martin as well but it was just too cloudy to get a picture.
Next up St. Bart's. So much fun remembering our visits here just a few short weeks ago. |
Passing over Jolly Harbour on Antigua we could actually pick out Mowzer on the dock at the top right of the bay. |
The interior of Antigua is just parched brown. Will the rainy season green this up or has it just been too deforested to recover? |
And there she is at the dock, patiently awaiting our return. |
Now, we have put the boat back together, gotten off the dock and plan to leave early in the morning for Guadaloup. Back to the French islands we go!
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